Benefit from our 25 years of experience in sleep medicine
Sleep is extremely complex and many processes take place in the brain and body. In order to get to know sleep and its possible disorders, various bodily functions need to be closely monitored and analyzed during the night. Polysomnography is the central part of the diagnosis of sleep disorders. Polysomnography allows the sleep of the affected person and its pathological changes to be objectively recorded and evaluated. It enables the diagnostic clarification of the causes of sleep disorders such as: respiratory failure during sleep due to narrowing/collapse of the upper airway(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome), reduced breathing over a long period of time (hypoventilation syndrome), respiratory interruptions in sleep due to impaired respiratory stimulation (central sleep apnea syndrome), periodic movements of the limbs (restless leg syndrome),

Our Exerience.
We have over 25 years of experience in polysomography. In a modern and comfortable atmosphere, you will be looked after individually as well as personally. The sleeping centre am Sonnenstuhl offers you the most modern diagnostics available today to help determine the cause of your sleepless nights. Our modern technology is also to be found in renowned clinics such as Standford in the USA and Charité Berlin. Our polysomnography devices are similar to a 24-hour ECG device and are the size of a cigarette box – the box is fastened to the body. With such a small device you can move around freely. The recorded data is stored in the device and transmitted wirelessly. Throughout the night, a medically trained sleep technician is personally present at the sleep centre, ensuring a calm and safe treatment environment.
The good news is: Sleep disorders and especially sleep-related breathing disorders are treatable! However, the patient’s motivation to implement the therapy consistently is a prerequisite.
If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, there are a variety of treatment options to help you get back to a restful sleep. The most common and successful use is supportive ventilation (“Positive Airway Pressure”, PAP therapy): The device generates a continuous airflow via a mask, which keeps the airways open during sleep. This makes it easier to inhale and prevents the airways from closing when exhaling.
You can discuss with your doctor which form of therapy is appropriate for you.

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Am Sonnenstuhl 65 97236 Randersacker / Würzburg